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We’ve identified the quickest way to find potential prospects on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+.

As an inbound marketer, you already understand the importance of social media as part of your marketing strategy. With more than one billion monthly active users on Facebook, and over 230 million monthly active users on Twitter, smart marketers know there’s more potential than ever to use social platforms to get their name out there.

Smart inbound marketers practice social prospecting – the art of scouring the social web, identifying potential prospects for your business, and engaging them to draw them to your site and get those potential prospects to your sales team. You’ve already got your fans and followers in your social networks. Now it’s time to check out everyone else.

This social prospecting workbook will teach you the fundamentals of how to listen to social media conversations in order to generate leads for your business. It’s beyond monitoring keywords. It’s about engaging people that may or may not know what your business can do for them. It's the social media guide you've been looking for!

New Social Prospecting Workbook

What’s in this offer?

The social prospecting workbook with actionable tips to generate new leads for your business:

  • Short preparatory work to make the actual prospecting easy
  • Visual instructions on how and where to find prospects
  • Pro tips that will help you get the best results
  • Take-home exercises for follow-up prospecting
  • Worksheets to help you get started with social prospecting
  • Fundamentals of how to listen to social media conversations in order to generate leads
  • How to identify potential prospects for your business and how to engage with them