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9 Awesome SaaS Marketing Case Studies

Content is the message your content marketing strategy delivers that can’t be ignored, without it, you’d have nothing to deliver.

Start implementing creative content marketing strategies within your business that will serve to position yourself as an expert thought-leader in your industry.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is strategic marketing and business process focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience, and, ultimately, drive profitable customer action. (HubSpot)

90% of all of organisations use content in their marketing efforts, and they are sticking with this strategy because it’s proven to obtain double benefits:

benefits of content marketing

  • Important for Search Engine Optimisation

  • Attract attention and generate leads

  • Empower potential customers and expand their customer base

  • Generate or increase direct online sales

  • Building and engaging a lasting relationship with your audience

  • Increase brand credibility and loyalty

Not convinced? There is no reason to disbelieve these metrics:

  • 68% of people spend time reading about brands that interest them; 80% of people appreciate learning about a company through custom content. (DemandMetric)

  • 60% of customers enjoy reading relevant content from brands; 82% of customers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content; 70% of customers feel closer to a company as a result of content marketing; 78% perceive a relationship between themselves and a company using custom content. (DemandMetric)

  • Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got 3.5x more traffic than companies that published 0-4 monthly posts; B2B companies that blogged 11+ times per month had almost 3x more traffic than those blogging 0-1 times per month. (HubSpot)

  • 47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sale rep. (DemandGenReport)

  • Leads that come through content marketing will increase ASP (average sales price) by 20%. (ContentMarketingInstitute)

  • 85% of SAAS companies do content marketing today; 95% of SAAS companies do customer support. (SaaStock)

content marketing


Content marketing is now an assumed element of the marketing strategy for pretty much every industry, and it should be!

So what’s the difference between SAAS marketing and other industries utilising content marketing? How do SAAS companies measure the effectiveness of their content marketing? What does an effective or successful content marketing strategy look like for a SAAS business?

In today’s blog post, we’re going to analyse and explore 9 successful case studies in relation to SAAS content marketing. We’ll discuss what strategies they are using and perhaps brainstorm some ideas for your SAAS business. It’s worth taking a look and trying them out yourself!

      1. Salesforce


Salesforce still dominate SAAS. Their CRM software is one of the most widely used in the world.

Salesforce use the V2MOM (vision, values, methods, obstacles, measures) content marketing strategy within their business model.

The V2MOM approach makes it really easy to know what their CEO, their sales team and their marketing colleagues are working toward - and where content marketing can align those goals.

Their SEO, Social Media or their blog, were much better than the average. It is worth mentioning their landing page which speaks directly to their target audience and helps achieve more conversions. There is little persuasion and the copy is concise, but what they do have is brilliant: 


landing page     


2. Workday


Workday focus on financial management SAAS and enterprise HR, and is a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. In relation to their content marketing, I think the most amazing part is their video marketing.

Video marketing could help increase brand awareness and convert customers:

  • After watching a video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online.

  • Combining video with a full page ad boosts engagement by at least 22%.

  • 65% of executives will visit a website and 39% will call a vendor after viewing a video.

  • 50% of executives look for more information after seeing a product/service in a video.

Videocasts are a pretty smart idea for your content marketing strategies. You could learn something from Workday’s video:



 3. HubSpot


HubSpot is an integrated inbound marketing automation platform that has become a site virtually unmatched in Marketing, Sales and CRM tools. As a HubSpot partner I may be a little biased but I love their tools and content, and I think I’m not alone in thinking it.

They’re doing content marketing about their SEO, social media, content optimisation and blog software, their Calls to Action (CTAs) and even their HubSpot Academy. They show that consistent content marketing can improve and grow a business.

 “The most important metric for us in measuring the success of our content efforts is number of qualified leads. We make considerable investment in content creation–particularly our blog, which represents a major component of our overall inbound marketing.

The most important result of those efforts is qualified leads that we can then pass along to our sales team. We’ve found that the cost for leads generated through our content efforts is lower and the quality is generally higher than our paid channels, so we continue to increase our investments in this area.”

DHARMESH SHAH (Founder/CTO, HubSpot)

Each post is really useful and optimised to convert. They are based upon buyer personas and targeted towards different stages of the buyer journey. If you implement these elements into your content strategies, your team will be off to a fantastic start.


      4. Moz


MOZ is a very popular tool that provides services and an all-in-one toolset for professional SEOs and a local search solution. I think Moz have proved to everybody what great SAAS content marketing is. They have especially diversified their approach to content, by providing not just copy but workshops & training and beginner’s guides to SEO.

But I think the most amazing part of Moz is their blog, I’ve always been a fan of Rand Fishkin's articles and videos, they catch the eye and attract visitors. Beyond Rand’s blog, Moz also has YouMoz blog which is an SEO and online marketing blog created by the readers of MOZ.

The core of digital marketing comes down to content. It is also important for SEO, longer and more thorough documents tend to do better in the search results. Great content can gain an edge over your competitors when it comes to meeting user's needs.


      5. Kissmetrics


As a great analytics software company, the content marketing of KissMetrics is well worth reviewing if you are a SAAS company.

KissMetrics Academy provides valuable advice, case studies, tutorials and practice articles which can help their clients understand how their products works, thus get the recognition and trust of visitors. This will result in traffic that converts into leads.

KissMetrics also has a worthwhile blog which is segmented into a variety of topics. The blog has become a trustworthy source of information due to technical infographics and their useful content comes from SAAS experts.

Additionally, KissMetrics leverages webinars every week with influencers. Beyond webinars tremendous value is offered to the visitor - the huge marketing guides are, as it were, a dictionary for marketers.


      6. Unbounce


As a SAAS company that is focused on Driving Conversions, it’s no doubt Unbounce has a strong content marketing strategy.

Their rich blog is filled with valuable conversion stage content. Even more interesting is that they have a separate blog written by the Unbounce staff. The inside Unbounce blog gives audiences a glimpse of the culture and events behind the company’s operation, it’s really interesting and special, isn’t it?

Beyond that, Unbounce has dedicated an entire section of their website to resources: from marketing resources, landing page examples & articles, PPC & Landing pages and Unbounce for startups, they have all the pieces working together to do the best for their customers. 

      7. Zendesk


Zendesk is a customer service platform, providing great support with self-service and proactive engagement. The dedication to its content is reflected in their awesome website design, and they focus on educating their audience about the best way to brings business and customers closer together.

Similar to Shopify and Pegasystems, Zendesk has strategically positioned its resource with content including:

Not only does this type of content help to educate their target customers while still benefitting from their products, but also help to build a great amount of trust between their users and brand.

One of the things I love most about Zendesk’s content marketing is their Calls-To-Action and it’s easy to see some action-oriented and attention-grabbing CTAs at the end of their blog posts. In this way, their audiences have an opportunity to convert once someone is done reading the post.

      8. Groove


Groove is a sales platform which provides value to prospects and generates revenue for their business, “our goal is to make your day as smooth as possible with a simple, intuitive platform”. Their website is subtle and simple, but powerful.

 Not only is their website optimised for the customer’s experience, but they have dedicated an entire section of each page to content. From blog articles, resources, videos, case studies and a knowledge base, Groove makes all the parts work together with content strategies to increase lead generation efforts.

About their content marketing, the part I appreciate most is their descriptions of products. There are precious few persuasion tactics at play. It’s simply, clear and effective! Their descriptions speak directly to their target audience, I’m bound to say that what they have is perfect!

      9. Intercom


With Intercom, communicating with customers should be simple, personal and delightful. As a SAAS company, their products and content strategies work together to help sales, marketing, and support teams better communicate with customers.

What do you think is so fascinating about Intercom when you browse their website? They impress with some entertaining and engaging content marketing to keep visitors talking thus impressing clients and newcomers alike. Intercom knows what’s most important to its audience, and it has grown its business delivering exactlywhat its customers and audiences wants and need to hear.

But, for the software company, Intercom represents perfect content marketing strategy for visitors that needs pricing information to make an informed buying decision.

Yep, a pricing page is content.

Descriptions for pricing information also needs content strategies in order to get more confidence and support. It also helps influence the purchasing decision of customers.

Are you ready to improve your content marketing strategies? Just do it now!

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